S.I.P.G. Società Italiana Psicoterapia Gestalt

Newsletter Sipg.it - Numero 6

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EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy

EAGT Conference

“Lost in Transformation? Changing Identities in a Changing World

September 9 – 12, 2010

Berlin, Germany


Ultima Newsletter dell’EAGT:



Letter from the President

EAGT is in a fascinating process of growth and change. At our annual General Meeting we will hear a lot of new aspects from all the Committees and Task groups that give evidence of this process. The contributions in this newsletter give also a taste of it. I am very glad to see, how our committees are doing an active and good job.

The project of joint membership EAGT-NVAGT has started well and we are open to offer this model also to other NOGT’s that are interested.

Specific we have offered it to MAP (Malta Association of Psychotherapists), who will replace the GPTIM (the Maltese training institute) in the role of a NOGT. I am also glad to announce that we have found three candidates for the election of a new Chair of the NOGT’s and External relations. This shows, how a growing number of members gets attracted to give a contribution to the further development of EAGT, which is a very good sign for the development of an organisation.

A historic step of growth will be the structural installation of Gestalt Practitioners in Organisations (GPO) in EAGT. Until now we had a task group for GPO, that has elaborated a grand parenting procedure for GPO.

We have now several members with a GPO certificate. The GPO task group has also worked out a draft of training

standards paper. This has been presented at a former AGM, but not yet voted on as it is still a draft. The General Board has decided in February, to ask the task group to work this draft out to a proposal, ready for a vote at the AGM in September and to crosscheck the paper also with existing GPO-Training programs. This way we will install an ordinary procedure for GPO accreditation for holders of a GPO certificate, so that they do not have to pass the grand parenting procedure, because grand parenting is meant for GPO without a formal and certified training as GPO. This paper will also open up the possibility for the accreditation of GPO-training programs, analogue to the psychotherapy training programs.

Therefore we need to adjust the statutes and elect an official GPO Training Standards Committee. The Executive Committee proposes to elect some members of the GPO task group, as they seem to be at this time the experts that are most familiar with this issue. We will publish those who are willing to stand for election on our website in July.

Last but not least I want to thank all the colleagues in the two boards, the office manager and the several committees for all their engaged work this last year. I hope to see you all at our meetings in Berlin this September. I also hope you will get a taste of this city and feel motivated to come back next year with a lot of your colleagues from different countries to join the 10th EAGT conference in Berlin.


Peter Schulthess

President EAGT


AGENDA – Annual General Meeting (AGM) 

Estrel Berlin Hotel

Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin, Germany


September 12th, 2009

1. Welcome.

2. Members present.

3. Minutes of last meeting (Belgrade).

4. Matters arising.

5. Reports of: a. President; b. Vice-President; c. Secretary; d. Treasurer; e. Chair of TSC; f. External Relations & NOGTs  

    officer; g. Chair of Ethics.

6. Reports from Committees: a. Gestalt Practitioner in organisations (GPO); b. Human Rights & Social Responsibility (HS&SR);

    c. Education & Children; d. Fund Raising Committee; e. Research Committee.

7. Election of External Relations & NOGTs offi cer.

8. Statutes changes.

9. Accreditation procedure for gestalt practitioners in organisations (GPO) and training programs for GPO.

10. Election of a GPO Training Standards Committee.

11. Vote on joint membership with MAP.

 News from Italy




EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy

Training Standards: news dalla Commissione


La European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)  ha definito gli standards per le scuole europee che formano alla psicoterapia della Gestalt. Questi standards hanno lo scopo di garantire la qualità e l’omogeneità della formazione degli psicoterapeuti gestaltisti in tutta Europa.

A Belgrado nel settembre scorso è stata votata una importante modifica ai criteri: non sono più richieste per la formazione degli studenti le 50 ore di supervisione in setting individuale. D’ora in poi, i singoli istituti potranno decidere se effettuare le 150 ore di supervisione richieste in un setting individuale o di gruppo.

Tutti gli istituti di Gestalt europei possono richiedere l’accreditamento per diventare full members dell’EAGT: l’accreditamento è un percorso di supporto e verifica delle modalità formative degli istituti in rapporto ai criteri stabiliti dall’EAGT.

Gli studenti formati da istituti accreditati possono diventare membri EAGT senza altre ulteriori verifiche.

Le esperienze di incontro sono state finora ottime in quanto hanno costituito un’occasione di feedback supportivo per gli istituti che sono stati certificati.

Per chiedere l’accreditamento potete consultare le procedure pubblicate sul sito dell’EAGT (www.eagt.org) e mettervi in contatto con il Trainng Standards Committee:

Gianni Francesetti (Chair): gianni.francesetti@gestalt.it



La Società Italiana Psicoterapia della Gestalt è una associazione di professionisti senza scopo di lucro

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