S.I.P.G. Società Italiana Psicoterapia Gestalt

Newsletter Sipg.it - Numero 5

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EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy

Training Standard Committee - Executive Board

General Board – Annual General Meeting

Belgrado, 10-14 settembre 2008

Nell’Annual General Meeting è stato eletto il nuovo Presidente dell’EAGT:  Peter Schulthess.

Peter ha dovuto lasciare l’incarico di Chair che ricopriva nel Training Standard Committee (TSC): il nuovo Chair è Gianni Francesetti. Compito del Training Standards Comittee è di verificare e sostenere gli istituti europeri che vogliano essere accreditati  dall’EAGT.


EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy

Training Standard Committee - Executive Board

General Board

Next Meeting:

Amsterdam,  26 febbraio – 1 marzo  2009


Ultima Newsletter dell’EAGT:





Letter from the President


It’s a great honour to be elected as the new president of EAGT. I thank the members very much for their trust and I look forward to give my contribution to a further development of our association. It’s a great and exciting challenge.

Hereafter information about how the Executive Committee (EC) is constituted now: As vice-president the Executive Committee has appointed Bas Lokerse. Welcome to this new function, Bas. He will stay also in the role of treasurer. As new Chair of the Training Standards Committee Gianni Francesetti was elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and therefore he is also a member of the EC. Welcome to the Committee, Gianni. Ester Neumanova (secretary) and Katia Hatzilakou (Chair of NOGT’s) are completing our Committee.

In my presidency I intend to keep on involving our National Organisations for Gestalt therapy (NOGT’s) in the general policy of EAGT. This is important, in the sense of developing our organization, that the delegates of the NOGT’s, who are the General Board (GB) of EAGT, understand that EAGT is their organisation and that they lead activities. The EC is just executive, which means that we put into action, what the GB has decided as aims and goals for EAGT. I will be satisfied if in future from the NOGT’s not the question will be put to the EC: „What do we get from EAGT, what is it good for, to be a member of the umbrella?“ but that these questions will be replaced by: „What can we, our NOGT, do for EAGT, how can we support the organization to fulfil its aims, as EAGT is our organisation. What do we want it for?“ This is the meaning of our change of statutes when we changed the Extended Board into the General Board and the Executive Board into the Executive Committee. This change allows a much higher identification of the NOGT’s with their European Umbrella organisation.

I am very happy that the AGM of NVAGT and EAGT both have agreed on the experiment of joint membership for the next three years. Joint membership means that all members of the NOGT automatically become EAGT members also. The condition for this is that NOGT’s can guarantee that all members meet the standards of EAGT membership. A task group will observe this experiment, to gather and evaluate experiences. I hope this will be a good model also for other NOGT’s to find an agreement with EAGT on joint membership.

There is a change of a NOGT, that we also want to inform you about: The new Austrian NOGT is ÖVG (Austrian Association for Gestalttherapy). Since years the Fachsektion for Integrative Gestalttherapy in the Austrian Association for Group dynamics and group psychotherapy (FSIGT) was interim in the function of NOGT. As this organisation at the same time is a (recently accredited) Training Institute and as there is since several years also another competitive Training Institute in Austria, the EC has decided to finish the duration of this interim representation of Austria now and put the new built ÖVG into the role of a NOGT. ÖVG has the structure of a national umbrella organisation. We thank FSIGT for all the cooperation the last years and welcome ÖVG as a new NOGT and member of the General Board.

The important cooperation with EAP will be continued, representing gestalt therapy as an accredited approach and intending to install Psychotherapy as an independent scientific profession in European and National laws and as an independent science in universities.

I am also very happy about the new activities that came into the Committee for Human Rights and Social Responsibility. It’s the first time that this Committee has set up a concrete project in cooperating with a NGO in the field of protecting Human Rights (see report of the new Chair of the Committee, Guus Klaren). The preparation of this cooperation was very exciting and I hope it will be put to a successful action soon.

The EC has also appointed another two new Committee: 1) A fundraising committee. Chair of this committee is Bas Lokerse and members are Katia Hatzilakou, Dieter Bongers and Marga Berends. 2) A research Committee. Up till now there are 3 members appointed: Ivana Vidakovic (Belgrade), Gianni Francesetti (Torino) and me. A first research project will be the accompanying of the cooperation project of the HR&SR-Committee with Peace Brigades International. But the Research Committee will also initialize and support international projects on psychotherapy research with psychotherapy compatible research designs, which means research in naturalistic field and combining qualitative and empiric methods. And of course we want to support a documentation about all research in gestalt therapy that is available, as a service to our members. We are open for other members with research curiosity, ideas for projects and experience as researchers.

As you see: There are several new initiatives set up and all persons involved are enthusiastic to come to action.


With warm regards,

Peter Schulthess


Pubblichiamo dalla Newsletter dell’EAGT:

News from Italy

Report from Italy

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb

The Italian Association for Gestalt Therapy (SIPG, Società Italiana Psicoterapia Gestalt) is going through a fruitful exchange and openness among various currents of our approach in Italy. A new climate of curiosity toward the “other” school is starting and scientific exchange is now possible. This new trend in the Italian community of Gestalt therapists was evident during the Second Conference of SIPG, which was held in Tourin, from October 10 to 12, this year. Under the coordination of Gianni Francesetti and of the organizing committee (made of Mariano Pizzimenti, Michela Gecele, Franco Gnudi, Carla Valente and Jessica Ghioni) 350 Gestalt therapists and counsellors from all over Italy have exchanged their ideas on creativity as a helping task in our present society. The theme was inspired by the book “Creative License. The Art of Gestalt Therapy”, edited by Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb and Nancy Amendt-Lyon. How the concept of creative adjustment can be seen today? What does it mean to be creative in a “liquid” society? The whole conference was a tribute to creativity in human relationships and to the concept of creative adjustment as healing task. Aspects of our present society were discussed in dialogue among clinical, political and artistic representatives. Almost all the leaders of different Gestalt therapy schools in Italy gave their contribution in various panels and many young psychotherapists and counsellors offered creative workshops. The conference was greatly supported by process groups, who expressed their creative forms at the end. The idea of the conference itself was born by the trustful dialogue between two institute leaders in Italy: Mariano Pizzimenti and myself. Gianni Francesetti has developed the idea in a very inspired way. To see the development of this conference was like seeing flowers blossoming in a desert.. and the desert is now ready to generate flowers.

Beyond this conference, other Italian events which show a more cooperative climate are the gatherings of FISIG, the Federation of Training Institutes, where, under the leadership of Maria Menditto, there is now a clear interest for exchange and dialogue. An example is the publication of a book edited by Antonio Ferrara and Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb where every Italian Institute has written a chapter on the development of their work in theory and practise. The book is very useful for students who want to know what’s hap in the various schools in Italy. Other publications of this kind are in preparation.

So, good news from Italy!

EAGT - European Association for Gestalt Therapy

Training Standards: news dalla Commissione


La European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)  ha definito gli standards per le scuole europee che formano alla psicoterapia della Gestalt. Questi standards hanno lo scopo di garantire la qualità e l’omogeneità della formazione degli psicoterapeuti gestaltisti in tutta Europa.

A Belgrado nel settembre scorso è stata votata una importante modifica ai criteri: non sono più richieste per la formazione degli studenti le 50 ore di supervisione in setting individuale. D’ora in poi, i singoli istituti potranno decidere se effettuare le 150 ore di supervisione richieste in un setting individuale o di gruppo.

Tutti gli istituti di Gestalt europei possono richiedere l’accreditamento per diventare full members dell’EAGT: l’accreditamento è un percorso di supporto e verifica delle modalità formative degli istituti in rapporto ai criteri stabiliti dall’EAGT.

Gli studenti formati da istituti accreditati possono diventare membri EAGT senza altre ulteriori verifiche.

Le esperienze di incontro sono state finora ottime in quanto hanno costituito un’occasione di feedback supportivo per gli istituti che sono stati certificati.

Per chiedere l’accreditamento potete consultare le procedure pubblicate sul sito dell’EAGT (www.eagt.org) e mettervi in contatto con il Trainng Standards Committee:

Gianni Francesetti (Chair)




La Società Italiana Psicoterapia della Gestalt è una associazione di professionisti senza scopo di lucro

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